Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sample Essay on Environment and Its Meanings

Sample Essay on Environment and Its MeaningsA good example of sample essay on environment should be used by IELTS students before they take an exam in the exam. This is because it can give them ideas about the topic and it is not wrong to have a preview of the writing they will be doing in the exam. It is also useful for IELTS teachers who need good essay samples for their students who are taking the exam.There are some tips that can be followed when preparing for a test like this. It is true that the students will always come up with some good questions in advance, but still, it is better to have some samples on hand in case you need it.In fact, if you have a few examples, you can help the students prepare themselves for the test. Since it is a one-hour test, they should have enough time to read and write down their answers, so having some sample essays will help them.The best example that students can find online and that can be used for the IELTS exam is a sample essay on environm ent written by John Milton in 1644. He was a seventeenth-century poet and writer who were well-known for his famous Paradise Lost. It was published in 1668 and has been considered as a classic poem for a long time.Some passages that were written by Milton are as follows: 'Beauty's fair light is on the face of Nature, As far as we see, and to her skies.'The language used in the passage is very simple and easy to understand and can be understood by anyone's eyes. It makes sure that students know that their essay must be written in simple words. Not everyone is gifted in beautiful words.Students who have studied English Literature may be able to relate to the language better. It would also help if they know how to use punctuation and what parts of speech are included in the passage because these elements are often ignored by many students.The authors of the essay on the environment and its passages are considered to be the first IELTS expert. There is no other school in the world that teaches such a complicated subject as Milton did. There are many other people who can share their knowledge on it like Albert Einstein, Sir Francis Bacon, Albert Pringle, and William Hazlitt.